Should I be mad that my friend stood me up again?

My hall mate and I made plans to go to the campus block party, and I texted her what time I was leaving. She never responded, so I went with my roommate. I even saw that she opened and read my text, so she could have at least told me that she couldn’t make it, instead of standing me up. Then yesterday, we made plans to go to breakfast together (we usually go at 10:30) so I texted her and asked if she was still coming, again no response. It pisses me off that she makes plans with me, stands me up, and doesn’t have the courtesy to tell me that she can’t make it. So, I don’t want to tell her how I feel, because she has paid for my food in the past, without expecting me to pay her back.
Should I be mad that my friend stood me up again?
19 Opinion