Would you forgive your friend if they stood you up?

Last week my friend invited me to the club for her birthday to celebrate. She had planned this a couple of months in advance, I was supposed to meet her in front of the club with her friends at 11 o clock. The morning of her bday, she calls me and tells me how excited she is to hangout and how she can’t wait to see me cause it’s been a while. I went shopping for a dress and everything. I had my mom drop me off at the club so I wouldn’t have to park and I’m there at 11, I texted her and she said she’s on the way, 10 minutes later while I’m still waiting outside in the cold she tells me she’s not coming anymore. Turns out she never left in the first place. She was partying somewhere else.
Would you forgive your friend if they stood you up?
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She has apologized several times and I just haven’t answered. I’m not gonna lie it really did hurt my feelings and I feel bad for ignoring her even though she did me wrong.
Would you forgive your friend if they stood you up?
25 Opinion