Are you a person who takes long time to decide things or you decide things quickly?


or it depends on the things whether you have to decide things sooner rather than later?

My sister who is married always question me that I take a lot of time to decide for things that are important. I mean some things for my sister are important but not for me and she gets upset at me that I take a long time to decide for things. I mean she does not have to get involve or butt in my life or what I do I dotn mess in her life but she feels she has to do it on my own. Im just 3 years younger than her and I dotn live iwth her obvioulsy she is married.

For example my sister an her husband both have steady jobs and earn some good money, especially the husband. So they often go out and eat out, take trips local or internationnaly, refurnish her house, or change old stuff in their houses for new things. I mean they have money availaible if they decide to do something soon they dont wait too much on decide things, they both are like that. When they decide things in theior personal lives, they dont take too long. On the contrary at this moment Im unemployed and the incomign money I have are from some bank interests so my lack of more money made me decide for different things to take place much later and not soon cause I dotn ahve money availaibel or more like my sister and her husband have. It happens the same with things at my house. I live with my brother and my elder mom (my dad passed away many years ago so the incoming house money got reduced a lot) and we both take care of her.

My house (the one my sister grew up with me before she married long time ago) is a old house, it needs different repairs on several stuff but at my house we dont have enough money to repair many things at a time, we go one by one even it takes a long time for that

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My sister gets a bit upset that in my house we take a long time to decide on important things and she has to question us for that.

I dont know but when you have money things may get easier to decide on things than when you lack of it but my sister seems not to udnerstand that she and her husband have steady stable jobs, they always have incoming money from their salaries. Even important things as health issues at my house we have to postpone or decide it for much later due to not having enough
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money to decide at the moment or soon. But my sister lives in a nice house 8not big though) and likes to complain or question us, who do not even live with her about certain things, she likes to butt in in our house often.

Are you a person who takes long time to decide things or you decide things quickly?
2 Opinion