Today I was told the news that one of my acquaintances that help me in the church nursery was expecting a little baby girl this upcoming winter. She's ecstatic but her husband on the other hand apparently has been depressed for over the news for almost 2 weeks. His reasoning, he really really wanted to have a boy so badly. In the past I have witnessed most of my male classmates in highschool, male teachers, male relatives, male family friends, even just random strangers become disappointed when they discover that they're not having a boy but instead a little baby girl. My favorite art teacher that I had both during my junior and senior year of highschool didn't really care if he had either a son or daughter. I have met a small selection of men that want daughters but the majority wants boys. So why do most men prefer to have sons but not a daughter?
It’s a combination of guys wanting to have a son to do guy stuff with and guys knowing how to be in their babies lives better when they have a son. Like as a guy who has witnessed both baby boys and baby girls it is SO much different. Like I was terrified for years to change a baby girls dipper just because I didn’t know how to act around lady bits like that. But then just how to interact with them and how to play games with them. It’s all different. And as a guy it is intimidating! I so much want a baby girl now that I’m okay if I never have a boy but I do still want a son to do guy stuff with and to talk about guy stuff with. It is just different.
11 Reply
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Well, I believe I am an exception, because I would prefer to have a daughter.
23 Reply- +1 y
My dad is too an exception. He wanted a daughter and he got 2 :)
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Yes, he got everything he wanted.
1.5K opinions shared on Family & Friends topic. I think they realize that they are gonna have to be protective over their daughters and that is a big job for the dad. It's less work having to protect a son and fun to do bonding activities together like sports, fishing, video games. It's overall a more fun experience for them to have sons.
32 Reply- +1 y
They can do all that with a little girl too. When I was little not only did my dad teach me how to play videogames, but he also took me fishing, taught me how to play both basketball, played catch with me, tennis, and took me swimming. And during football season me and him watch the games together.
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It’s all about their legacy and family name being passed on to the next generation. When they should just be happy to have a healthy baby regardless of the gender.
22 Reply- +1 y
What Girls & Guys Said
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I'd say that it's due to the thoughts of wanting there name to be carried on to the next generation. Which lets be honest. They should be happy to have a child as it is and let's be honest that whole name thing doesn't amtter anymore. Some don't change the name and sometimes it's the guy who changed to match the woman's surname.
20 Reply - +1 y
Maybe they want a mini me until the kid is old enough to makeup their own mind. I’d love to have a daughter be my mini me but if i have a son, I’ll still be happy af
30 Reply - +1 y
My parents had all daughters, me and my 3 sisters, and no sons (I don't have and never had any brothers). Both my mom and dad all love me and my sisters very much and wouldn't trade us for anything.
10 Reply - +1 y
I can't speak for most guys but I have three daughters and one son and I love them all the same. Although I am glad I had at least one boy but I definitely wouldn't have been depressed about it.
10 Reply - +1 y
I think its they can relate and do "guy" things! I would find it hard to have a girl.
10 Reply 3.1K opinions shared on Family & Friends topic. Guys want to have somebody to teach how to go fishing or throw a football or tune up a car. They don't know much about dolls and know nothing about having a period.
03 Reply- +1 y
You can still do that with a girl tho. My dad had boys and girls and he taught us all how to do that stuff.
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@HeartFullOfGlue I taught my daughter a lot of stuff too but my sons were a lot more receptive. My daughter was really good with computers however.
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Well if they like it or not is up to the kid, but you can teach it (should teach it really) to both. Which is what you did.
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most of the men I know have been different... they don't really care to have a preference for either... it is what it is
00 Reply I thought the same thing. A lot of my friends have daughters... and they said... they'd rather another girl.. that is such a myst.. ( like to carry the family name etc). As long as they're healthy
00 Reply453 opinions shared on Family & Friends topic. it is someone to carry on the family name. It is someone to pass on the knowledge of hunting, fishing, ball games and so on, like mothers do with their daughters.
10 ReplyI think it has to do with keeping the last name in the family. As well as bonding wit with a son is more fun for them.
00 Reply- +1 y
Because there are more heterosexual predators than there are homosexual predators.
(Having a daughter is much more stress.)
00 Reply - +1 y
Because boys are easy
Dad:Go clean your room
Son: Okay.
Daughter: Why?
14 Reply- +1 y
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The point being that women are argumentative and less likely to settle where as males are more like to accept and work with their circumstances which is one of the main reasons womens are attracted to men actually
I only had one and she was great. I wouldn't want a boy.
00 Reply696 opinions shared on Family & Friends topic. Not always the case
00 Reply- +1 y
They have more in common.
00 Reply Passing the last name on
00 Reply- +1 y
I think it's a daughter
00 Reply - +1 y
cause girls are dumb
and are whores
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