Why is it hard for me to keep lady friends?


So I don't really have a lot of friends I talk to like some good guy friends and hangout with my boyfriend. I just feel I don't really have close women friends. I thought I had 2 close ones but 1 of em doesn't care if she has any and the other just seems really nosy and just stopped inviting me places. The one that acts like she doesn't care said she enjoys my company but if I stop texting her then I won't here back from her unless she needs something. The other just wants to know my business especially with my relationship and acts as if she wants my boyfriend I don't know. They claim they're busy but I see them going out and hanging with their friends and going on trips. I'm like I guess I'm not in the picture. So I just don't what it is, people tell me I'll find more like minded individuals and I've felt like such an outcast that it seems like everyone is into everything else I'm not into. I'm not into clubbing, drinking I like going on trips, anime, games, books etc. The first girl likes some but she just does her own thing. I try to reach out to some people but the feelings just aren't reciprocated at times. What can I do to change things.

Why is it hard for me to keep lady friends?
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