If someone who you didn't know was gay yet casually mention their husband in a conversation with you would you flinch?


So lets say you work somewhere and a male customer starts casually talking to you and says something like ‘oh me and my husband went out to that restaurant the other day. It was delicious.’ You didn’t know he was gay before he said this.

would you flinch? Any reaction from you at all to that?

i remember working with this woman who was a lesbian and she just casually mentioned her wife to this truck driver and he definitely took notice and asked her to say it again as if he didn’t hear her lol. Anyways it just makes me wonder if people make mental notes like this when it’s casually mentioned like a straight person would.

I would make note of that but not bring attention to it
I wouldn’t think anything about it
Id try to end this conversation asap
Id have a different reaction or thoughts (say what)
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If someone who you didn't know was gay yet casually mention their husband in a conversation with you would you flinch?
13 Opinion