Why would a man with Asperger’s feel uncomfortable or threatened by my contacting him to warn him about someone impersonating him online?


Years ago, we liked each other. He said he was too disabled by his Asperger’s to have a relationship, then got all nasty and tried to lose me our friends. He’d always occasionally turn nasty towards me out of the blue and not with other people. We’d be having a nice conversation, then he’d turn on me. For no obvious reason. Then he stalked me online and in person for a year. A trauma counsellor said he was either revenge motivated or ‘love obsession’ motivated. Now recently I warned him through a mutual friend that it seemed that someone might be impersonating him online. He got really nasty about it and said he’s blocking me. When I only contacted him through a friend to help him and I wasn’t doing anything to bother him. What is all this? I still get the same answers. Some people insist it’s revenge, others insist that it’s his disability and an infatuation.

Why would a man with Asperger’s feel uncomfortable or threatened by my contacting him to warn him about someone impersonating him online?
3 Opinion