Who's your funniest friend and what makes them funny?


Mine would be my best friend since kindergarten. He makes these funny voices and he has his own strong character. I would say he is very similar to Jerry from Seinfeld (how he talks and acts) and a little of Sheldon Cooper (he had the same haircut for 15 years). He has his own set of outfit (the same but many), he likes everything tidy and clean. One thing that shows his character was he went to Grand Hotel for work meeting (the most expensive hotel in Sweden) and he ordered meatballs and mashed potato and complained about the taste. He said IKEA is betterπŸ˜‚

An example of his jokes:

We were walking and he made this serious movie voice saying "Men have a problem keeping their dick up, but mine never came down"😭

11 mo
Funny friends are the best ones:)
Who's your funniest friend and what makes them funny?
3 Opinion