Is my mom really toxic or am I the toxic one?

I have a new fancy job so I need nice clothes. All week my mom told me we’d go shopping Saturday and I was excited. Yesterday which was Saturday, she was taking my dad to the spa in the morning and told me to be ready by 2.
I knew this ahead of time, I’ll admit and was getting ready at 12:30 because I thought I would have enough time. She came back at like 1:15 and I told her I’d be a little longer. 2 rolls around and I’m still not ready and she’s screaming at the top of her lungs how I need to hurry up and why does it take me so long. I told her I’d only 10-15 more minutes and she had a full mental breakdown and comes to my room and yells at me for why I’m not ready. I asked her if she had something else to do that day and If so she could go do that instead because I didn’t want to hold her back or she could have told me so I could’ve made sure I was ready.
When I asked her this she said “it doesn’t matter, it’s just about having respect for people’s time”. I 100% agree and she kept slowing me down because she was screaming at me through a closed door about how me taking so long was unacceptable and said she was leaving without me.
I ended up being ready at 2:20 and I did feel bad and she already got in the car and was about to leave me and I texted her I was ready.
In the car she yelled at me and threw a whole fit to how I’m inconsiderate of peoples time and don’t take accountability for being late.
I told her I was sorry but would’ve have apologized if she didn’t react so chaotically.
She literally got so chaotic and loud it scared me and I didn’t want to go anymore. When we got to the mall she ignored me and instantly started looking for stuff for herself and not me.
I called my boyfriend and my mom told me to hangup and stop telling him stuff and ranting before she embarrassed me in the middle of the mall. I then walked away and walked around the mall by myself and she didn’t even call to see where I was and told me to find my own way home. Was I wrong?
Is my mom really toxic or am I the toxic one?
3 Opinion