Am I wrong for not attending a birthday party for a kid who is obsessed with Jeffrey Dahmer (despite saying I would go)?


My best friend has a son who just turned 12. He has Autism and other issues that he is currently being evaluated for and while I do feel for the kid AND my best friend, he is VERY hard to deal with. He has complete outbursts that turn in to violent rage at random.

So, he had a birthday party yesterday morning and I told my best friend that me and my kids would attend when she first arranged for the party. However, I had a visit with said friend, my kids and her kid last week and he was literally acting like Jeffrey Dahmer. Telling my kids that he looked just like him, that he wanted to be him, started dancing like Jeffrey Dahmer from the movie and even went as far as telling my daughter that he "wishes he was gay" so he would have the chance to fuck him. But the real breaking point was my kids telling me after we left that this boy was taking pictures of my kids after they told him to stop because he wanted them to "pose for him like Jeffrey had people pose for him". Needless to say, we didn't go to the party and I admittedly have no intentions of allowing my kids to be around this child again. I truly feel he needs to be hospitalized and have a complete psych evaluation done (for context: his biological father is currently in a psych ward and has been for over a year due to similar issues).

She is very upset we didn't attend. Apparently not many people showed up at all and I understand how disheartening that is as a mother AND a child. But that kid needs serious help and I don't want my kids near him. I told her this and she actually 100% understands (she knows about the Dahmer thing and is trying to correct it with psychologists and case workers) but she's still very upset that we didn't go because her kid doesn't act like that in large groups. So she feels I should have sucked it up for her kids sake on his birthday party. Am I wrong?

Am I wrong for not attending a birthday party for a kid who is obsessed with Jeffrey Dahmer (despite saying I would go)?
2 Opinion