Do you think Parents’ impact your life and and impact how you react and feel?

I know losing my Mom last year took a huge toll on me and even though i feel like I am ok and understand we will all eventually die , a huge part of me isn’t ok , I try to keep moving forward the best I can , but at times I lose control over myself and feel angry and sad and depressed and lonely , knowing I can never talk to my Mom like before. I tried through the years to be close to my Dad , but I realized he really doesn’t want much to do with me He says he loves me but he loves my other brother more I call my brother the Golden Child , cuz he gives my brother more time and attention to the point I feel like I don’t really have a Dad , I don’t hate my Dad but I just know he is a very selfish person when it comes to certain things and him and I don’t really see eye to eye on a lot of things , we can talk and have ok conversations but they don’t last very long , so I just accept it for what it is , I have butt heads with my father plenty of times , Through the years friends and exes have made comments about how selfish my father is and I tend to agree with them that he is a very selfish person that only really cares about himself but I am grateful of my father in ways by him supporting me and my brothers and giving us nice things , I know money doesn’t buy happiness but it’s the cards I was dealt with and just learned to accept. When I do talk to my Dad for the short period of time , I been starting to lose Control of myself when all my emotions his me at one time and I shit down and get angry and sad , sometimes I will drink alcohol to calm my nerves and that’s always a 50/50 chance on whether it helps me or not , I have tried seeking counseling to help myself get back on track but that doesn’t seem to be working as well, I constantly hear from others that parents play a huge impact on our lives What do you think?
Do you think Parents’ impact your life and and impact how you react and feel?
5 Opinion