Should I end the friendship with my friend who told me his father died but is kind of glad she’s dead not having to take care of her anymore?

So one of my best friend’s father passed away last week and he’s very devastated. He has been is caregiver for a few years since he got diagnosed with pancreatic stage 4 cancer and it became terminal. He was there for him every day of the week until his last breath. He texted us in the group home that his dad has pass and we we’re sending our condolences to him, his brother and family. Then what triggered me was that he private messaged me and said that he is kind of glad his father died. He also said he and his father is at peace and so is his family and being a caregiver is a shit load of work and dealing with his dads difficulties. I wouldn’t believe what he said. I told him I was shocked. He said that he’s my best friend and he’s more comfortable telling me than the others and plus he is comfortable being brutally honest and saying ugly things to me. He is being honest. I get we’re best friends but that was too brutal. I should probably end the friendship after I attend the memorial this weekend. Should I?

1 y
Sorry I meant to say “he’s”
Should I end the friendship with my friend who told me his father died but is kind of glad she’s dead not having to take care of her anymore?
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