Friend removed me from social media. Should I confront or move on?


I'll be as brief as possible. I have (or maybe had at this point) a good friend/coworker, but he's a guy. He started dating this girl around 6 months ago. At first, he said he didn't want anything to change. But I noticed a difference in his behavior. He's gotten more distant and doesn't want to hang out anymore saying he's too busy, but I'm positive it's because he has a new girlfriend.

Earlier today, I saw that he removed me on Instagram and blocked me on rejected my request on Facebook. As hurt as I am by this, I am ever more confused because he acts fine at work. Other than being a little more distant, he hasn't mentioned any problems between us.

Should I ask him what's going on or just get over it and move on?

Friend removed me from social media. Should I confront or move on?
5 Opinion