I want to move in with him but…?

we’ve been together for over a year, but i want to go to college. i just graduated last year, and i know i want to go to school. but im afraid its going to be too much as im only 18. he is 19. im scared to leave my parents, i know they will be right down the road and i can go home whenever. i will always be welcomed back into my home. but if things don’t work out, i would feel embarrassed. another fear of mine is my room is going to be given up to my grandma. which as selfish as that sounds. i would love for her to have a room rather than the living room. but i dont want to lose my space in case things do happen to change. i think maybe it is the best decision to wait for now. BUT how would you guys go on about this? what are your experiences? just give me some advice on this whole moving out thing.
I want to move in with him but…?
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