7 Unconventional Things I Find Attractive

This MyTake is in response to a recent similarly named myTake. I'd give credit to the author, but unfortunately it was posted anonymously, even so, here's the link to the original. 14 Unconventional Things I Find Attractive

1. Short Hair

For whatever reason I've never found long hair all that attractive. Generally speaking I've always seen shoulder-length or shorter hair to be far cuter/more attractive. My best guess is it comes from growing up with 5 sisters who all wore their hair long. Maybe I'm just not a fan of stuff I mostly associate with my sisters. xD

7 Unconventional Things I Find Attractive

2. Freckles

I just want to say now... holy crap the Scotts and the Irish hit the jackpot when it comes to genes. I know a lot of girls feel the need to mask freckles and such with several layers of makeup but I'd quite honestly take freckles over regular makeup any day. Freckles are nature's makeup, and quite frankly I have yet to see anything manmade that quite rivals the kind of beauty you can find in nature.

7 Unconventional Things I Find Attractive

3. Red Hair

I didn't actually realize that this is apparently a "less attractive trait" to a lot of people. I've always thought red hair was just... stunning. It's glorious, it's beautiful just... I dunno I can't put into words my love of red hair. Like I said, the Scotts and the Irish hit the jackpot when it comes to genes.

7 Unconventional Things I Find Attractive

4. Girls that are... shall we say less than skinny.

I know better than to call any girl anything that sounds remotely like "fat," so let me simply say, girls who try for toothpick figures just... what are you doing? You're sacrificing quality of hugs and cuddle quality that way! I honestly used to prefer the super slim figure until I met my girlfriend who was beautifully thicc. Not fat by any means, but she was heavier than whatever is considered "average."

7 Unconventional Things I Find Attractive

5. Independence

I know there are plenty of guys who just want a girl to fawn over them. I get wanting to feel needed and all that jazz, but ever since my last relationship I learned that I really just want a girl who doesn't need me. I want a girl who is with me because she wants to be with me, not because she needs me. I want us to make each other better but at the same time for both of us to be capable of standing on our own two feet. I feel a much greater sense of security and joy in a relationship being with someone who is with me because they want to be rather than being with someone who is with me because it meets some sort of craving if that makes sense.

6. Chubby Cheeks

This was one mentioned in the myTake that inspired this one. I never knew that high, sharply defined cheekbones were supposedly the desired/attractive traits people sought after but those have never been things I hoped for in a girl. That sort of thing feels harsh and uninviting. I don't know if that makes sense but hey, I already know I'm weird and crazy.

7 Unconventional Things I Find Attractive

7. Glasses

I honestly don't know if this is weird/unconventional or not. I've always loved glasses. They're like a picture frame that magnifies a beautiful painting. The eyes are one of the most beautiful/attractive parts of a person. They convey immense amounts of emotion and they're just awesome. Glasses frame and magnify people's eyes making an already gorgeous trait stand out that much more. Seriously though, in high school movies it always seems like the visual queue that lets you know which one is the "unattractive, nerd" is glasses which is really dumb because I always found those to be the cutest/most crush worthy characters as a kid... also they make me think of hipsters and I've always liked hipsters just as people if nothing else.

7 Unconventional Things I Find Attractive

Anyways, those were 7 traits I find attractive that I've always or have recently discovered to have a bad reputation when it comes to things people think of as being cute or attractive. Feel free to tell me all about how my OPINIONS are OBJECTIVELY wrong in the comments xD

7 Unconventional Things I Find Attractive
Post Opinion