How should I feel about my body changing?

I’m only 16.

My whole life I’ve always been pretty skinny. I have long legs and I’m fairly tall so I’ve always been told I should be a model. People - especially adult women - have always praised me for being skinny (from ages 12, 13, 14, 15 plus). People would say they want my legs, they wish they were that skinny, my body was amazing and praising me for how my hip bones stuck out.

I hate to sound like I’m bragging, that’s not my intention.

But I’ve noticed that I’m eating more, like heaps more than I could stomach before. And my butt, thighs and hips are getting a lot bigger. I’m getting some fat on my stomach (which is starting to cover my ‘no fat pack’ as people would call it). My waist isn’t as little as it’s always been.

I don’t feel like I’m getting fat per se. I feel like this is just my body developing but it’s scaring me. People have always praised my skinniness and now my arse is getting way big. It’s worrying me that I won’t be the same any more or as pretty, or people won’t think in as pretty.

How should I feel about this?
How should I feel about my body changing?
19 Opinion