Are pretty girls treated better than other women? If so, why is that and could you mention some examples?

I've noticed that if a girl tends to be conventionally attractive or fits the criteria of beauty standards, she will also assumed by society to be kind, smart, talented, funny, sometimes, without having to try at all, or possessing all these qualities.

This is something that I've noticed both in real life and online on this site. (there are some girls here, for example that are popular, have a lot of followers and are considered by people to be nice, or smart, although their comments and questions don't seem that special to me, just because they have a pretty profile picture). Also, they can get away with saying stuff that would be considered mean or harsh by other people.. If it's said by someone young and pretty, it's funny

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Oops I actually made an error here
I meant *they can get away with saying stuff that would be considered mean or harsh, if it was said by other people
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I can't believe so many people are saying that discrimination based on physical appearance doesn't exist, or that good-looking girls actually get treated worse... There have been numerous studies on this phenomenon that show people perceived as conventionally ugly are treated worse than those seen as attractive. Even little babies prefer to look at conventionally beautiful faces rather than conventionally ugly ones
Are pretty girls treated better than other women? If so, why is that and could you mention some examples?
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