Are my boyfriend and his female housemate are flirting?

due to recent event, I feel rather ashamed for feeling jealousy, even though I know in my heart and mind that this jealousy is legit. Still, I feel like I'm one of those paranoid and insecure girls and it drives me nuts to feel this way.

You see, my bf, a compassionate person sensitive to my needs, has a female roommate. He asked me whether I was OK with that before she moved in. If I wasn't OK with it, he told me that he'll have a male roommate instead. I OKed his female roommate thing,since I didn't really have a problem with it at that time.

But when she moved in, everything changed. I got this vibe from her that she might have a romantic attraction towards him, especially with the way she interacted with him. I live faraway and comes to my bf's town once or twice a week to see him. Everytime I'm around, she's always distracting and taking his time away from me by asking him to run errands, teach her piano, asking him stupid's so obvious! She has the whole f***in' week when I'm not around to learn piano and ask him those stupid questions. While I was falling asleep, I heard her joking with my boyfriend and them laughing and giggling. Their interaction kind of gave me this "flirting" vibe.

I told my boyfriend how I felt and he reassured me that he's not attracted to her and that he didn't get a flirtatious or romantic vibe from her either. I disagreed because I think he's a guy who's too blind to see it. I'm a girl and I could sense what tricks she's playing.

I told him that it's making me uncomfortable at times and would appreciate it if he sets some boundaries between him and her. He said he understands.

Yet what's worse is that every time I come over (meaning I only have a limited time to spend with him since I'm away most of the week in another town), it's not about making and prioritizing time with me anymore. It's also about making her feel comfortable in her home with me in it. And it p*sses me off. They have the whole f***in' week to spend time together. All I want is to some time alone with my bf.

You see my boyfriend is a very nice man. He's senstive to people's needs that he doesn't want to make people feel uncomfortable. And sometimes people take advantage of that, especially women. I'm afraid that his caring and charismatic personality might whet her romantic feelings and create dramas. What's worse, I'm afraid that since I'm not around and she's around him 27/7 and they seem to hang out a lot, they might start developing bonds and feelings for each other. He's not the person who cheats, but I'm afraid that they'll have emotional affairs with each other, obstructing the developing bond between him and me.

I talked to him about all this. He said he understands and would do anything to make me feel comfortable. I told him that I'd appreciate it if he establishes boundaries with her. But I don't think he's doing that though. He's out right with her dancing at some nightclub.

What should I do? Talk to him more?
Are my boyfriend and his female housemate are flirting?
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