Girls, will it normal for you if your guy friend while laying next to you, caresses your stomach?

like if u and your guy friend are up for overnight , watching movies or just talking on bed and then suddenly while talking he rests his palm on your stomach and gently caresses it in a cute way, continuing to talk, will you let him continue do that?(just the belly, nowhere else)

somethin like this

not looking at each others face like this, just watching a movie , or talking and he starts caressing your stomach on bed... cu
not looking at each others face like this, just watching a movie , or talking and he starts caressing your stomach on bed... cu
sure, if he doesn't touch me anywhere else inappropriately
no, not even the stomach area
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+1 y
like you know him for a quite long time, and he s your best guy freind
+1 y
and if not, why?
Girls, will it normal for you if your guy friend while laying next to you, caresses your stomach?
7 Opinion