What do you do when you forgot to ask one dealbreaking question early on and you find out their answer after already liking them?

I’m referring to your dealbreakers that you usually wouldn't compromise on. Do you keep giving things a try anyways? Do you friendzone them? Do you ghost? Do you stick to telling them you just can't because its a dealbreaker?

I fcked up. Dealbreakers are something i state with guys within the first conversation and if its opposite of my preference, I let them know we just won't work. I tried to compromise on it 5 years ago and thats how I know for sure compromising again just wouldn't be for me.
Its still early enough for me to get out of this. But its a struggle because the guy is an amazing person nonetheless. Being different in this regard doesn't make me think less of him. And It doesn't make me want to change him. But it makes me hope he’ll change naturally so that I won't have to leave…. But i know its likely he won't. Especially on something as big deal as this.
Normally i have no issue facing my probs but im fcked with this one. I told him i just need time to think. And im hardly the indecisive type so my mind was made up regardless of his answer. But its not made up enough to want to let him go. He said he’ll be mad if i let things go because of the topic, especially after seeing this mentally, emotionally, and sexual chemistry/vibe we’ve had going… One so strong that its something that neither of us have experienced with anyone else in many many years. I just really hate I didn't ask soon enough. I was told me always keep my options open if I’m not in an official relationship with someone so I feel like i should start getting to know someone else NOW so that it’ll be easier to ease away from him. But i just dont know. Just think of ONE of your instant dealbreakers. What would you do in this situation if you had asked “too late” (after having already envisioned the possibility of a future with someone)?
#FeelFreeToList #Dealbreakers
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I know its rare. I just mean imagine yourselves so wrapped up in the moment and a seemingly perfect connection that you were too dumb to bring up your dealbreaker within that first important conversation. When you’ve allowed emotions to get the best of you, you dont have a hard time just cutting things? Normally i dont because i always go with the logical rather than emotional answer. But this time im struggling
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Okay like i guess whats making it an issue for me is that he checks every box except a major one. Its like wouldn't i look like a total asshole passing an opportunity with one thing missing? This just sucks
What do you do when you forgot to ask one dealbreaking question early on and you find out their answer after already liking them?
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