He asked me if I was married twice?

He asked me 3 weeks ago if I was married and he pointed to my ring (by the way I had my ring on my right hand) and I explained to him that it was purity ring. (He chose it with the pastor, for everyone who wanted one about a year ago)(he may have forgotten what it looks like) but anyway, he was like oh yeah ok, I remember. Then today (the first time I see him since that day) in one of our convos he asked me again “you married?” And I said no again and it was on my right hand. Not my left. What is the point of him asking me twice? Did he forget and ask the same question twice? Was he trying to figure out if I was single? What do you guys think? Is he interested in me if he asked twice? Like whatttt is going on with that? It’s just kinda sus and I need someone’s point of view on it

He asked me if I was married twice?
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