Is it possible this girl might be interested?

I've never spoken to her before but just seen her around. We both work outside in two different departments so I don't see her a lot. I had one time when she backed up at a door next to mine outside in the yard and when I glanced over to look out of curiosity I noticed she waved but I looked away to quickly and she went back to backing up her tractor.

A few weeks after that, Linda the samething, I was driving she was backing into her trailer I had to stop and wait until she was out of the way. She stared at me while she was backing but she had frown on her face for some reason. I wasn't making rude gestures or staring at her like hurry up or anything, but she held the stare like 7 seconds until she has out of the way and I drove on.

Recently I saw her walking out of the building to her tractor, and I as I was driving behind her about to pass her I'll admit I was staring at her. She happened to turn around, I looked away quick and she looked back ahead of her, then I glanced back and she turned around and smiled and waved at me. I waved back right before I passed her.

Are these decent signs? Or maybe she's just being friendly?

Is it possible this girl might be interested?
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