How do I get my coworker to flirt even harder?

I’m 21 and my coworker is 30. Once, he said he was happy to see me.
He’s also told me that I smelled really good. I sit at the front and he works in the kitchen.
I have seen him compliment other coworkers but more brotherly.
He talks to some of them.
Once I told him I had been looking for him and he was like “we’re you?” Kinda flirty.
He asked if I had plans for the weekend and I told him I was hanging with my dad for Father’s Day. He said he was going to the mountains with his girlfriend and her dad and he took forever to say girlfriend. Then we both kept saying “cool” and he lingered and there was a weird sexual vibe. There was a bug and he tried to fake scare me by pretending the bug was near me.

I was stressed and he told me I was doing amazing. He had to train a girl and they came to my area. I saw them but was already rushing to go home. When I came out the bathroom he asked “what was that?”. Then he followed me back out and told me bye.

Once, I was looking down and from far away he was like “hey Kathy” and he thought I was my other coworker who sits near me. we have similar hair and I looked up and laughed and he was like “day one without my contact lens. I was about to say Kathy looks great today.” (Me)

Later he called me Kathy to tease me.
He knows I’m seeing someone.
Once, he came over and said good morning and was blushing and it got quiet and I laughed and he asked “what?” And I told him it was awkward and he just said “ok” then walked away.

This week he asked if I had plans for the 4th and I asked him back and he said he was just going to be hanging out at the house. ( he didn’t mention his girlfriend)

Yesterday he walked in and called me Alexis instead of Alexa and said he used to work with someone named Alexis that’s why (but he’s said my name plenty of times).
Today, he cooked a lot and I tried some and told him thank you and he was like “you’re welcome. I’m happy you finally ate some of my food”.

Could he be interested?
How do I get my coworker to flirt even harder?
5 Opinion