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Do most guys who “put themselves in the friendzone” realize that the girl they liked was never interested to begin with?

I’m discussing this topic without putting the burden on guys or girls. I hear a lot of people blame guys for being friendzoned by not showing the other person they’re interested. I would say that’s true in some cases. Example: If she walks up to talk to you or pokes your shoulder or laughs at every bad joke, then it would be a guy’s fault he didn’t make a move.

HOWEVER, there are cases where after a guy talks to a girl he likes, it’s clear that even though she’s polite/friendly, her body language is negative (no eye contact, gets distracted, arms crossed, etc.). The guy knows if he asks her out, he’s getting rejected. So he doesn’t. But now people still say “it’s your fault you didn’t make a move”. Duh, he knows what the answer will be if he flirts or asks her out.

I’m slightly on the autistic spectrum but I can read body language to feel the vibe from someone I’m talking, in fact, to the point where I can predict whether they’ll follow me on Instagram if I request them.

Bottom line, a lot of this comes from pursuing someone out of your league. If you’re average looking, trying to ask out the hottest girl/guy won’t go well and you’ll get disappointed if you think you have a chance beyond friendship.

Do most guys who “put themselves in the friendzone” realize that the girl they liked was never interested to begin with?
Post Opinion