She's mad I don't give her attention!


So my ex dumped me a little over 2 months ago, for the first few weeks I tried everything to get her back which just pushed her away. I tried the I love you, lets work on it, etc...She loved me, but said wasn't in love with me and wanted to be friends.

So then I completely changed up my approach, and began No Contact. Well for the last 7 weeks are so, I gotten a hold of my emotions, got confident and been going out. I'm sure she's noticed. Every time I ran into her she started acting like I broke up with her...seemed kind of sad and not really responding much to the quick "Hey how are ya". Anyway, a few weeks ago I feel like she was trying to get my attention by deleting pictures of myspace, flirting with other guys, and putting up different statuses that related to various love/break up songs (or so I think)

Anyway, now I found out she deleted me as a friend from myspace even when she wanted to be friends with me in the first place. What does this mean? By doing all those things, was she trying to get my attention hoping I would notice, and call her up...and now she completely deletes me because she's mad that I don't give her the attention? Does she still love me, and now got mad that I didn't react to any of those things?

I still lover her, but I really have no idea what to do. All the help appreciated!
She's mad I don't give her attention!
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