My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman


There are many things that I've noticed about women, both good and bad. Some women have good traits and other women have bad traits. Here I'll discuss the overall characteristics of women; I know each person different and I'm not generalizing women. I mean no offense to anyone.

1.) They are so beautiful

It's obvious that women are very pleasing to the eye. I often wonder if straight women are real; I'm a straight man so that might be why I think that. I often wonder why there are straight women when there are so many beautiful women.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

2.) I'm almost certain that women are "visual"

I hope women are visual. A few months ago, I started to doubt that women find men physically attractive (in a visual way) or that they even liked men. The reason why is because women say they don't get sexually aroused by looking at men. Women even say men are not as aesthetically appealing as women are. However, there are women that claim that women are visual and that they do find men more aesthetically and sexually appealing (in a visual way) than women.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

3.) Women don't approach men

If there is one thing that really frustrates me is that women don't approach men they like. This why people say women aren't visual, because even if the woman finds a man attractive, she doesn't approach him. She expects the man to approach her.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

4.) Some "straight" women think women look better than men

They say that women look more aesthetically appealing than men but they still claim that they are straight. If you are a woman that thinks women look better than men, you are not straight(no offense).

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

5.) A lot of women seem to be disgusted by men's bodies

Usually whenever a hot woman walks by in a street, most of us straight guys will quickly glance at her and say to ourselves "wow, she's beautiful." However, if a handsome man walks by a woman, she'll give him a dirty look. I've even heard some women say "ew" "yuck". At public pools, if a woman wears a two-piece, all the guys will say, "wow, she's sexy" but if a man that is in good shape takes off his shirt, all the women will either not care, laugh at him, say "ew" or "yuck".

However, women will say "wow she's sexy" when they see a woman in a two piece. This is perhaps why some people think that all women are lesbians(no offense).

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

6.) Women care about each other or they hate each other

I mostly see women caring about each other; they hug each other and show sympathy for women that are in physical or emotional pain but once in awhile I see certain women hating on other women. I don't know if its competition, a grudge, jealousy or maybe all three.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

7.) A lot of women generalize men

There are women who always say men this, men that. They only say negative things about men; they never mention positive things about men. I'm not generalizing, I know that not all women are like this.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

8.) A lot of women don't care about men

It's so common for various women to laugh at a man that is in pain. I've seen it so often. If a guy gets hit in the groin a lot of women will laugh at him. If a man suffers any kind of abuse, various women will say, "So what?" A lot of guys show concern for women that are hurt but most women don't return the favor. I'm not saying every woman is like this but I've noticed this kind of attitude among various women.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

9.) There are women that do care about men

Even though I've seen some cold-hearted women, I've also seen some women that are so compassionate. In one of my previous Takes, I mentioned how some females showed compassion to me in one of my previous Takes.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

10.) There are women that don't generalize men

Even though I haven't seen many of these women, I know that there are women that don't generalize men. I know that there are women that do compliment because I've seen a few of these women so far.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

11.) Women are subtle when checking out men

So many women have told me that they are visual and they do find men sexually attractive based on how they look but they are more subtle about it. I was skeptical of this until multiple women said that they are in fact subtle when checking out men. A few days ago at college, I was wearing sunglasses which allowed me to glance at women without being noticed. There was one woman that walked by me, I saw her eyes look directly at my face. That confirms that woman are subtle.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

12.) Woman have better peripheral vision

It's said that women have more visual cone cells. With this they have a wider range of peripheral vision of men which allows them to check out men subtly as well.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

13.) Female friendliness towards men may vary based on the age of the female

Girls from pre-teens to late teens tend to be friendlier and more compassionate towards males than women between early adulthood through late adulthood. I'm not saying it's like this for every female but that's what I noticed when I was kid and a teenager. I know that a lot of women are friendly to men and that certain female teenagers are hostile towards a men.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

14.) There are women that find men physically attractive

Yes there are women that love how men look. I see it on non-scripted TV shows and have heard women confess it. A lot of women here (GirlsaskGuys) have told me that they don't even need the infamous emotional connection, women say that they can find random men handsome, aesthetically appealing, sexually and physically attractive. A lot of women have told me that they do check out random guys. Some women refer to guys as "yummy".

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

15.) Thankfully straight women are plentiful

It's a good thing since us straight men are plentiful as well. A lot of women have confirmed that they are straight.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

16.) There are lesbians that actually fall in love with men

I don't mean any offense. I've heard about some lesbian women say that they fell in love with a man.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

17.) Thankfully most women here in the U.S. aren't feminists

According to a poll; feminism isn't common here In the U.S.

Feminism isn't as common as the misandrists want you to believe. Which means misandrists and white knights are not common. That's good news.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

18.) A lot of women criticize men but can't take criticism from men

A lot of women say they don't like certain fashions for guys or if the guy speaks against misandry. If a guy says he doesn't like certain fashions for women, women will call him a misogynist. If a woman constantly speaks against misogyny, she will bash men and expect every man to stay quiet. Again, I'm not saying every woman is like this.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

19.) There are women that say nice things about men

Thankfully there are women that always compliment men on any little thing. They say "nice pants" "look at those abs" he's so handsome" "I like the way his hands look".

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

20.) Women can be creeps as well

It's not just guys that are creeps/thirsty, there are some women that do perv on men. When I was 12 years old there were three older girls that stalked me in a local park. They kept telling that they wanted to have sex with me. They stopped stalking me when I got to where my parents were. When I was a freshman in high school, I overheard two girls pointing out random boys and they kept saying which guys they would like to "Bang" but instead of using the word bang they used the "F" word.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman

21.) There are women that are true Men's rights activists and true Egalitarians

Thankfully many women actually have sympathy for men and try to help fight misandry. It can be argued that true Men's rights activism and true Egalitarianism are synonymous.

That's my analysis on women based on my interactions with women so far. I'm sure I'll discover new things about women later on.

My Analysis of the Enigma That is Woman
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