Last chance to get women to see how self-destructive their behavior is.

It amazes me how clueless some women are in regards to seeing the truth outside of their hypocritical bubble. They live in a world where the fattest and ugliest of them can (with a straight face) DEMAND movie star quality men while insisting that all men overlook their flaws.

Last chance to get women to see how self-destructive their behavior is.

They fail to realize the consequences of putting hot jerks on pedestals.

So, Women... I, in my kindness, will take their desperate attacks and try to clue you in.

1: Unlike the average man, the guys YOU put on pedestals will not want to date YOU!!!!

Why would they? All they ever heard from you is how special and cute they are. Now you expect them to settle for your overweight, homely self??? They are SPECIAL..remember? YOU would never settle for an average guy, but you think these HOT men would settle for you when they can find a HOT woman???

Last chance to get women to see how self-destructive their behavior is.

2: You will mean nothing to those who will screw you.

It's so funny to listen to you cry as your special boytoy scrapes you off of his shoe like dog crap. They know that they can get a line of desperate women at your attractiveness level ready to take your place. So why would they love or respect you??? YOU gave them this power and now want pity when the obvious happens?? NOT HAPPENING!!!! YOU chose the pretty jerk, ignoring how bad a person he obviously was because he made you all deserve whatever happens to you.

Last chance to get women to see how self-destructive their behavior is.


In my decades on the police force, I have responded to hundreds of calls concerning men who have been treated like crap by women finally break and end up cuffed while the lady is taken to the hospital or morgue. Since you were little girls, you've been taught that you can hit, belittle, and take advantage of men with no consequence. Men let this go because they hoped you would change. BUT Now they are learning that you won't and the double standards you enjoy will not change. YOU choose to demean and insult any who resist the mistreatment en masse calling them incels etc. Resentment for the mistreatment will build and a case similar to one in 2007 will happen. *A young lady ran to her favorite white knight's home after another beating from her pretty boyfriend. The poor fool thought that proving how good he was mattered at all (good deeds by non-hot men will always be painted in a negative light) When she laughed in his face after he professed his feelings for her, he bludgeoned her over 20 times with a crystal ashtray.*

Last chance to get women to see how self-destructive their behavior is.

Maybe something you ladies might want to keep in mind when abusing your white knights and mocking men in general

Last chance to get women to see how self-destructive their behavior is.
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