What does it mean when a girl replies to me "Yeah sure, alright!!!" (read details for more information)?

History between her and me: We know each other for a while. We studied together. I checked her out several times and she once caught me do it. She didn't mind though. She's a little bit tomboyish.

On topic: I asked her whether she could help me with something. If she could, then I'd fetch her up. The conversation was via e-mail. This is how the conversation went:

Me: "Hello X, Do you have time doing Y for me? If you do, then I'll fetch you up at Z o'clock."
Her: "Yeah sure. Alright!!!"

Your interpretation?
No girl with romantic interest in you would write like that.=You're in all liklihood friendzoned.
She's happy to help you = she may even like you more than a friend
Maybe it's just her personality= It probably means nothing.
other (please elaborate)
idk/wanna c results
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What does it mean when a girl replies to me "Yeah sure, alright!!!" (read details for more information)?
1 Opinion