He won't text first, so what should I text him?

You know how this goes.. I like him but he hasn't texted me in a week. I am usually the one to text first and I've been waiting for him to text me but he hasnt. When I do text him our convos last all day and into the night until one of us fall asleep. I see him around my school and he is just looking at me. He only says hi/smiles after I do first. When I do, he gives me the biggest smile

So what should I text him? POLL BELOW/LEAVE A COMMENT! Anything helps! Thanks
"Why haven't you talked to me in a while"
"Where have you been"
"So what... you don't want to talk to me anymore"
"Long time.. no talk"
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He won't text first, so what should I text him?
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