I have lost my attraction to my girlfriend because of constant complaining and letting herself go, and I feel like a jerk?

We have been going out for about a year and we get along really well, she is extremely kind, and we have a ton in common. I love her, but it’s becoming a struggle for me.

I know a lot of this is out of her control and she is obviously not doing it on purpose. She has anxiety attacks, kidney stones, back issues, overeats and gets sick, under eats and gets migraines, etc. Every time I think we have an issue under control, another one pops up. And these happen constantly, and normally results in me just having to care for her. She had back issues so bad that for weeks she could barely even walk, and was even in too much pain to talk on the phone. I know she obviously doesn’t want this but I am noticing that I have just lost the ability to be sympathetic.

When we aren’t together, she wakes up every morning telling me she barely slept the night before because her family also constantly has issues. Her dog has gone to the vet for major procedures multiple times, she has to call the paramedics for her mother semi regularly for diabetes, and her grandpa also has to be cared for 24/7. There is literally constantly something wrong, and I spend most of my time just trying to comfort her.

Over the last few years I have lost over 80 pounds, so health and fitness is extremely important to me. When we first started dating, I mentioned this and she was really excited and we would motivate each other. But because of the constant issues, she has put on a considerable amount of weight. I am still supportive while also being a good influence by being healthy around her. I understand it is very difficult to be healthy with so many things going wrong.

She has severe body image issues, and she is not responding to me, her doctors and everyone telling her she needs to change. She will make an effort for a week and gives up. I am afraid that whatever I say will just make her spiral worse. I am just reaching my limit and I just don’t know what to do.
I have lost my attraction to my girlfriend because of constant complaining and letting herself go, and I feel like a jerk?
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