Why would she lie to me about her plans to go to a concert this weekend?


i had asked her about it last week when i saw her at her work , there is this large country music festival about an hour away and i knew she went to it the last time they had it before covid. i had asked what her plans were for the summer and she claimed to just be working

i mentioned the concert and she just sort of avoiding saying much of anything and so conversations shifted to other things

yesterday i was talking to one of her close girlfriend's about the same concert and she told me that she is for sure going and has been planning to go for some time with some girlfriend's she knew from college ( who i don't know as there not from here )

so basically she lied to my face about the whole thing which makes no sense as i've never even gone to this concert before , don't have a ticket and even if i showed up is like 10,000 other people so doubtful i'd see her

and i though we were friends so why would she not want me to know she was going to a concert with some girlfriend's for the weekend? it makes such little sense on any levels

Why would she lie to me about her plans to go to a concert this weekend?
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