I'm confused with her approach. What should I do?


So I've been messaging this girl for a couple of months (sort of long distance... 4 hours away). She says she likes me a lot a few weeks ago. We planning on visiting each other when our schedule line up. So she's been backing away from me. Slow to reply and sometimes reply the next day (evening). When she text back, she still message me slow. She post quotes on her ig stories. She says most of them are directed towards me (positive quotes). So she stop messaging me Friday night. Then replied back to me yesterday around 9pm and we talked until midnight. She stopped messaging me. So she post a quote saying that she insecure and that she needs text often and she would be paranoid that the guy is talking to someone else. I'm thinking, you doing that to yourself. I'm not pushing or chasing if you stop communication with me. Plus I don't want to look needy and clingy. I told her that we'll talk about this. Think I made the right approach?

I'm confused with her approach. What should I do?
2 Opinion