Is my boss hitting on me?



: My boss is around 30 years old and engaged. I’m in my early 20s and I’m single.

I started a new job a couple months ago and one of my bosses asked me how old I was immediately after work. The same night, she sent me a friend request on Facebook (unprofessional for my line of work).

The second time I saw her in person she said I was dressed nice. She later asked if I had any other shirts while grabbing my shoulder (I was wearing a dress shirt in 90 degree weather).

The night before she supervised me the third time, she asked if I wanted to make a bet. She said if a person “kissed her ass” then she’ll buy me a beer. Today I had a job related question and called her. After that, I sent her a sports betting link since we’d both get money and asked if she liked sports. She responded saying “I LOVE sports!!” Then she said “my future hubby does this!”

My question is do you think my boss is hitting on me? Why would she offer me a beer when she’s engaged? Would it be wrong for me to pursue something more than a work relationship?

I appreciate all the help I get!

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Is my boss hitting on me?
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