One off? Or is she interested?

So, I have been friends with a girl I met through work for 5 years and have always liked her.

Despite me liking her we have remained friends, however have always fancied her and liked her. Lately we have been meeting up and catching up as friends however 2 days ago the friendship went to the next level.

We went out, as we have done quite a few times previously as friends do and then went back to hers to chill and watch a film. During the film we got closer, and eventually it was getting late and it was time for bed.

Without going into detail we ended up sleeping together, and for me I really enjoyed it but not because the sex was great but because who it was with. We started kissing and she asked me if I felt we would be good in a relationship together, naturally I answered in a positive way. I asked what made her change her mind and why she wanted to do what we did and she responded that she has realised that she thinks I’m a good guy, which gave me the impression that she felt she could be more than friends with me.

We have spoke since, it remains positive but it is not often (which is a few times throughout the day) and we haven’t spoke about that night. I’m left processing what happened, as I do like her but always convinced myself that what happen would never happen. I don’t want to ruin the friendship, but I also like her!

I am now left wondering if it was just a one off, or if she sees potential in me? Why after 5 years would she decide to cross the line to friendship to being intimate with me? I like her, and the last thing I wanna do is push her away by asking questions.

As a girl, have you had male friends for a few years and taken it to the next level? Why did you, and what did you think before it happened? I’m just trying to get a gauge on her mind, as I’d love to continue how we are and see how it develops. Any advice would be great.
One off? Or is she interested?
2 Opinion