Guys, Is he losing interest or am I just paranoid?

So I've been talking to this guy for 2 months now. I've known him for years, but we sort of lost touch, inly communicating through social media here and there. We ended up hitting it off via Messenger; after a few days he asked for my number, and within 2 or 3 weeks we had both caught feelings. The situation between us is complicated for many reasons, one being he lives a state away and works a lot, so we haven't really been able to *discuss* what we're doing or where this is going.

Before when the topic would come up, he would say he was working on being with me (I also never brought it up, he would). But over the past few weeks, our conversations have been miniscule, we barely talk. Sometimes it makes me feel bad so I don't reach out. Eventually he will text me or call, but not as often as it used to be (I used to get good morning texts and calls during his work breaks) but now I really don't get anything.

I'm really confused because he still initiates contact, but he always cuts it short, even though our conversations still come easyand we can joke with one another. He also apologizes a lot for "not talking to me a lot" because his work is fucked off, but even on his days off we talk very little. I'm generally shy by nature andso not one to easily open up, so could he be losing interest because he thinks I'm not as interested? Or just losing interest in general?

He is coming out here near the end of this month to visit family. Before he said he definitely wants to see me, but now I haven't really heard about that--he does talk about his visit, but not about seeing ME.

So am I just being paranoid or should I be more concerned? Thanks guys. /:
Guys, Is he losing interest or am I just paranoid?
1 Opinion