Girl is nice to everyone but me?


I have a female friend (known her for slightly more than a year) who is nice and somewhat friendly to everyone. However, recently she has been somewhat mean to me (I think its mostly jokingly).

1. In our study group, she frequently teases me for showing off or calls me names (`brat', `annoying', etc). To our other groups members, she is usually compliments them more and is generally more friendly.

2. I asked her about why she is a bit more mean to me compared to everyone else. She once told me that she has gotten angry at me so many times that whenever she sees me her blood pressure and heart rate naturally rises. However, we are still in the same study group and she sometimes invites me to attend concerts with her. She usually invite the entire study group, but the other group members never shows up.

3. She complains that I have loose lips and that I am untrustworthy, but still tells me personal details and secrets. I am not too sure if this is just because we are really familiar with each other, or there is something else.

Girl is nice to everyone but me?
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