Girl in my class that I don't know seemed angry at me and I don't know why?


I am just trying to figure out why a girl would behave like this and if I did something wrong.

People were sitting where I normally sit in class, so I sat in the back corner. I noticed there was a girl there I hadn't seen before. I didn't sit next to her and left some space.

During break when I was in the hallway I looked over and saw her and she was staring right at me. As soon as I made eye contact with her she looked away and darted back into the classroom.

Then during class the teacher told us to get into small groups to discuss things. So I ended up with her and some other people. It wasn't going well and everyone was quiet. She kept staring right at me the whole time with this sort of irritated look on her face. Then suddenly she got up and walked off to go sit with some other people. I don't know if I should take this personally or if I did something to bother her that I don't realize.

Girl in my class that I don't know seemed angry at me and I don't know why?
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