Is my friend afraid of me?

I've never really been a social or outgoing person and that caused me to misread some situations in the past but I need some help figuring this one out because it makes me uncomfortable.

I (33m) became friends with C (25F) about 1.5 years ago. We go to the same gym and we got to talk about music and games. I initiated our first talk but later she came over to my training spot asking me if I played game X and to share our online accounts. She's more invested in gaming than I am so i gave her my phone number because I didn't know my account name. 1.5 years later. We talk every day on chat and are ingame on voice chat a few times a week for a few hours.

We have fun, we talk about life etc. But when we meet in person, it's she is either afraid or ashamed of me. When we are at the gym, she will barely look at me or speak to me. I could be right beside her and shed just act like i was not there. Especially when there are others around.

We went to a concert twice. First time it was so awkward and weird that I deleted het info after i dropped her off at home. She kept texting me tho and eventually I asked her what het behaviour was about and she blamed het hurting knee. But literally the only time she started talking was when we were driving home again.

Second concert was a lot more fun but she was still very on edge. I touched her shoulder to hand het a drink and she almost got a heart attack. I figured she's just gonna be a gaming bud without real life friendship and kinda stopped asking her along.

She started asking me to go to shows. But when i say yes, she kinda ignores our agreement and goes with her mom to a different location than we discussed. She then kept asking/telling me to get a ticket to join them. I dont mind having her mom around but I already know im gonna spend most time talking with her mom. Because my friend will still act as if im not there

I do not understand why she wants me around yet acts like she doesn't.

Is my friend afraid of me?
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