Is my friends jealousy because she has a crush on me?

I have a friend. For my bday we went out she bought me drinks and I told her to flirt with me. She then called me pretty and said my laugh was fucking cute. Later she said she flirts with friends just because. At work I kept correcting her and she stared into my eyes and was smirking and it felt weird. I jokingly kicked her out to leave and she lingered at the door and looked at me smirking and was like “enjoy your coffee”. Once we accidentally brushed hands and she laughed and said “I can’t believe we just touched hands”. She’s stayed past her shift until our other friend tells her to leave. Also she weirdly lingers after each thing she said to me and she touched my veins on my arm after I pointed them out. We were gonna hangout with a friend but she cancelled so my friend just offered to go to her house and watch a movie and chill and once she said watching a movie is code for sex. I had a grad party and invited my ex. We all went in the basement and her and I made out like 4 times. I initiated because I was drunk and she said “I love you” when she left and texted when she got home. Next day she said she chalked my behavior up to me being drunk and flirting and she can be like that too but she didn’t think she was flirting. My ex saw us kiss and said she was “putting in work”. she said she didn’t think I meant anything more and has platonically made out with friends. I’m kinda interested in a girl from my college and we call her “softball chick”. I always talk about her around my friend and once I tried showing her a pic and told her I would show her the next day since she was leaving and she was sick and she wanted me to show her right then and there. Today I hadn’t seen her in a week. She told me she had tea that she would tell tomorrow. I told her I had tea too and she told me to text her what it was and she would answer it before sleeping. I think she thinks it could be about softball girl. Is she jealous?
Is my friends jealousy because she has a crush on me?
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