I Slept With My Neighbor - Now What?

We have been flirting for over a year. To condense the story I saw a for rent sign in front of his house. The next time we saw each other we talked about it (rent going up too much). I said I was sorry to see him move and that I had wanted to invite him over for coffee or wine." He said that we could still do that and he took my number. He is a fireman and had off a couple of days later and he text me and I invited him over some time over the weekend. He jumped on it and said he was off on Wednesday night. He came over with wine, and we watched baseball, had wine and food and great conversation. He right in the beginning of the night grabbed my hands and said that he was really happy that we finally got to hang! The night progressed and I ended up back at his house. His washer broke and I offered mine so I helped him carry it back. Well the attraction was insane and has been there for a year so we ended up having sex. He text me after I left and thanked me for a great evening and the food and wine and signed is xoxo. He text me a few days later and just said hello. His family was here visiting all weekend, but now it is Tuesday and I haven't heard since Friday night. I did text him back after he text me. I don't want to text again since he hasn't answered. What should I think. Was it a one night stand? I wouldn't imagine that he would sign a text xoxo and randomly text me hello if it was. I said before we had sex, that I didn't need a major relationship but really didn't want a one night stand. He said it wasn't BUT that was in the heat of the moment. He seems really sweet and nice. Is he just taking his time, or not sure too or IN THE END WAS IT A ONE NIGHTER?
I Slept With My Neighbor - Now What?
3 Opinion