Hi G@Gers!
This is a short myTake to try and address some of the confusion amongst the community regarding the recent update. As you may or may not have noticed, the private message inbox has changed design to be split into an "inbox" and an "other" category.
Inbox vs Other: What's the difference?
Inbox is a tab for all the people you are following. In other words, if you're following me, and I send you a message, my message will pop up in your inbox tab. Unless you have "Someone sends you a private message" turned off in your settings, you'll get a notification alerting you of the message as usual.
Other is a tab for everyone you aren't following. This means that if you're not following me, and I send you a message, my message goes to the other tab instead. The other tab is a click away once you open your private message page. On your PM page, click on the "Other" text located above the names of your message receiver list.
What does it do?
It gives you more control over who you get notifications from. In your settings, you'll see under "Privacy Settings" the checkbox "Notify me for inbox messages sent by users I do NOT follow." Checking it off means people in your "Other" tab will not notify you when they send you a message. Note: this is turned off at first for all the desktop users!
App users: What does this mean?
App users do not currently see the new setting. Your messages are still in one list, same as before.
Feedback Welcome!
Like the update? Love it? Hate it? Maybe you have a suggestion you'd like to make? Whatever the case, any feedback is welcome! Feel free to shoot the @GirlsAskGuys user a message anytime with things you'd like changed or simply write your feedback down below! Thanks everyone!
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