Crush hates me now? Does he even like me anymore?

My crush acted shy towards me and I towards him. We were distance acquaintances at first and kind of still are... I guess. I got the bright idea to ask two or three of his friends about him when I stopped seeing him for a while - maybe I gave a bad signal? But then they started acting weird towards me and avoiding me. I didn't think anything of it but maybe I came off bad when I did that? I felt bad but I hid it and ignored them back.
Now they're back cool and normal towards me. Friendly even.

But now my crush is avoiding me !!
He was always a shy guy but this is different - he puts his head down and quickly walks past me if he sees me regardless if I actually see him. If he knows I'm going to be in one hallway he'll take the other. I figured maybe he's just really shy? Until... now today it just hanppened we almost ran into each other. I was coming out one corridor and he was about to come toward me - literally a foot away and as soon as he seen me he did a very fast dramatic 180 turn, mumbled something to himself I think?, and like power walked away from me

I. damn. near. cried.
I felt like I disgust him now or something.
It's like he doesn't even want me to recognize him even though we barely talk that much when we did see each other.

Did me asking about him embarrass him that badly? Has he lost all respect for me? Why is he acting like this?
Crush hates me now? Does he even like me anymore?
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