Is he Negging me? Can anyone make sense of this behavior?

If you guys don't know, it means when a guy is mean or distant to a girl to get a reaction.

Here is the background:

This guy treats me the opposite of every other woman. He is lovely to them. He flirts, has casual conversation and acknowledges them. I am treated like a I do not exsist. He will not talk to me on most occasions. He ignores my exsistance.

The kicker is I constantly catch him looking at me. He is either checking me out or staring. However, no interaction. When I tried to engage him he gives one word answers or seems disinterested.

Sometimes he will be friendly, but it is rare and followed by ignoring me the next day. However, I still catch him looking at me. This is a pattern of behavior. He is nice once and ignores me for a few days.

Sometimes he is rude. I joined a conversation and he gave me the most serious intense stare of death. I just pretended it didn’t phase me and I walked away/proceeded to talk to someone else. Then I catch him talking about me to another guys-which he does often. I never know what he says to the other guy, but I catch them talking and have a strong feeling it is about me. This is based on where he is looking when he is talking, his facial expressions and my intuition. I ignore this as well. Then the next day I see him. We have no face to face interaction, but I catch him looking at me maybe 3-4 times that day. He seemed disgusted by me the previous day and now your looking at me, watching me walk/staring at my body or looking who I interact with.

Abyone faniliar with this tactic/behavior?
Is he Negging me? Can anyone make sense of this behavior?
1 Opinion