I can’t tell if this guy genuinely likes me or just wants to use me like any other college guy would, what do you all think?

So there’s this guy that I’ve known ever since last August sophomore year in college. We knew each other from our tech class. He would sit in front of me and sometimes talk to me. He then exchanged his Snapchat with me and we talked on there too while giving funny memes to each other. I only thought of him as a friend at the time. Next month, a guy friend of mine from my math class asked me out on a date and so I went on it, and we eventually became boyfriend and girlfriend. My guy friend found out when he asked me weeks later if I’m single or taken. I said taken and he said, “oh cool”. Once every month, my guy friend would ask me if I’m still with my boyfriend and I would say “lol yeah”. It wasn’t until many months later when my boyfriend broke up with me that weeks later my guy friend asked what’s up and I told him I feel miserable and told him what happened. He messaged back, “He isn’t worth being upset over :( I wish I could do something to cheer you up”. Over 3 months later (a couple days ago), him and I were talking and he said, “would you like to maybe go out with me sometime?” I said “I thought you didn’t like serious relationships like I do“ and he said “I used to not like them” and I told him I don’t know just because I feel like my trust issues came back and built another wall around me. I don’t want to make the same mistakes I did in my past relationship. I asked my guy friend the ultimate thing of could he wait a long time before having sex (I’m very fertile even with protection, females in my family have all gotten pregnant in a relationship with all sorts of protection. He said that he doesn’t mind waiting, which I didn’t think any guy would ever say to me. But I still had trust issues. He tried proving that he knows about me by listing stuff I told him in the past about me. I still said I don’t know when he asked if I had feelings for him. At that point he stopped talking to me. I don’t know, does this guy really seem to like me or is he trying to
+1 y
Use me? How can I tell if I have feelings for him? (From experiences of your own) thank you all
I can’t tell if this guy genuinely likes me or just wants to use me like any other college guy would, what do you all think?
3 Opinion