My boyfriend said another womans name in his sleep. I know I'm overreacting but IDEK who's name he was calling out am I crazy?

So tonight not even 2 hours ago my boyfriend was asleep in a deep sleep. I was laying next to him on my phone when it died so I got my charger. He listens to creepy pastas at night and so I heard someone yelling out "erica!" Like I said I was in the living room getting my charger and at first I thought it was the pasta but no. I come into the room he's somewhat sitting up and I ask "who's erica?" And he instantly got frustrated with me and he was about to say I guess where he knew this person from n then said "oh my gawd!" And went back to sleep ignoring me. I cried a little (not cause the name calling but how he acted). He has cheated on me before with his baby mother. n has talked to other women when I was working crazy hours cause he felt like i didn't give him enough attention (my job is very demanding for 3 months from Oct to Dec.. which is coming up) maybe I'm just self conscious cause of the stiff before, But I really dont know. But I'm currently on the couch and sad because I'm not sure what to believe anymore.
My boyfriend said another womans name in his sleep. I know I'm overreacting but IDEK who's name he was calling out am I crazy?
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