Guys, why do you reply to a girl's text 2 days later when you have the time to check her Instagram stories?

My ex and I broke up 1.5 years ago because I moved country. I did not chase, plead or beg. I cared a lot about him but my ego kicked in. He has not missed a single story I uploaded since. I have watched a handful of his. He has been in a rebound relationship and I did not go crazy on him about it either. After almost a year of no contact, he wished me a happy birthday late at night out of the blue. I thanked him the next day but the convo stopped there. 4 days after that he started liking my pictures again. I wished him a happy birthday some time later and he asked how I was doing. I replied and asked him how he was doing. He answered and the convo stopped there. The likes kept coming for the last 7 months. Recently, I needed his help with something, so since he has wished me a happy birthday and consistently liked my stuff for around 9 months, I figured it was ok to ask him for this favor (I am bad at calculation and he is great at it). I texted and he opened my message around an hour or two later but replied the next day. He said that he will help me. I replied the day after thanking him for his help. He opened my message two days later and since I was less busy on Friday I replied within the day. He has not opened my last message yet but I saw he checked my first Instagram story around 20min after I uploaded it. He also came back to watch the second story I uploaded (some time after the first). Can someone explain the dynamic? I am confused
Guys, why do you reply to a girl's text 2 days later when you have the time to check her Instagram stories?
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