Can you be seen as confident but still sometimes reveal insecurities?

like you can be overall confident but sometimes have insecurities still?

does being confident mean you can never show insecurities? If so How would you know if someone is still confident despite their insecurities?

so for instance I feel generally confident but i still admit that there are a feel areas i get insecure about. Wheres the line for you between confidence and insecure to you? What do you think?
Yes it is possible to be confident but still have insecurities
No if you’re confident you dont show insecurities
It depends on what they are insecure about
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My big insecurities were just talking to people in person and i have had some issues feeling like other people won't like me or find me boring and then start ignoring me for that. i have gotten mucchh better with all of this but still sometimes it gets to me
Can you be seen as confident but still sometimes reveal insecurities?
29 Opinion