Why does he keep asking me out?

So a little bit of a long story here but when I was 18 and he’s 30 (I know age difference) we met on a dating site and dated for two months or so. We were both looking for long term and serious relationships at the time and had a pretty good connection but nothing wow major feeling or anything. Then after two months or so I decided I don’t want to date him anymore, made some bs excuse not enough time

So a year later when I was 19 he asked me out again out of nowhere saying we got along well and we should go for a drink/dinner. Keep in mind this guys is pretty good looking, fit and muscular and earns pretty decent so I’m not sure why he would seem desperate also has funny personality doesn’t seem crazy. So I said no

Then now a few days a go (I’m 20) he asked to hang out go for a drink I just said yes as I couldnt be bothered and he’s quite cute. But why do you think he keeps asking me when I know he should have no problems getting girls but he’s not the player type either?
Why does he keep asking me out?
3 Opinion