Does he like me even though we've never talked?

i think this guy has a crush on me... or at least i thought, but i'm not so sure. he did all these things and my friend said she thought he had a crush on me even though we've never talked to each other. here's all the stuff he's done:

-glances at me in hallways
-has spun around to look at me
-looked at me over his shoulder
-always touches his hair around me
-looked down when he saw me

but then, he's so popular in front of other people (he's a year older than me, this is why we literally don't know each other at all though we're in the same math since i'm a year ahead) - but he's super popular and well-known. plus, he's like best friends with another girl and he has a lot of close friends who are girls. he's fine with talking to anyone who's a girl but not me?

if he did like me, why didn't he approach me? does that mean that he doesn't have a crush on me?

i'm starting to catch feelings but i want to know if i should take this seriously and approach him at some point or move on before i get a serious crush.
Does he like me even though we've never talked?
4 Opinion