Can someone help me identify this guy?

When we first met, he flirted with me.
We got along until he started disrespecting and mocking Asian people.
When I corrected him, he got upset and went on this tangent on how Asians make fun of Black people to justify his actions.
I counter snd tell him that I warn everyone of making fun of other races because that can get you into some dangerous encounters and it makes whoever mocks other people, look ignorant.
He gets mad and jumps to calling me a "coon" (because I told him that it's not funny to mock Asians) and accuses me of picking their culture over mine.
My voice, that was once "interesting" and "animated", is now reduced to me "talking like a White girl".

I was sexually assaulted a few months ago, and due to trauma and depression, I forgot to check and see if I could be pregnant. So when I went to the hospital, I informed them and they checked.
I'm just fat and depressed, lol.
I know who attacked me and the guy asks me what am I going to do, if I'm pregnant.
I tell him that I'll likely abort it.
I have no funds and I don't think I have the mental strength to birth and care for this child. The adoption process isn't so great, either. If I keep it, I'm likely to mistreat it and no one deserves that.
So abort.
He says to me, "You're not going to tell the Sexual Assaulter about the baby?"
He's lost his mind, hasn't he? Why is he acting as though the guy who forced me into this situation has rights?
Next he says that I should have no problem answering any man's questions about my SA (like I should be comfortable explaining every detail) and basically forcing me to reluve the trauma because men are curious.
I explode after this.
If men don't want to believe me, how does reliving this convince them?
He claims that I have to do this because Black men are always blamed for this, etc. etc.
I really don't give a damn about Black men's supposed plight, right now.
This happened to me, shouldn't he be more concerned about me, right now?
Can someone help me identify this guy?
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